About NH-Grown Fruit
NH tree fruit growers produce more than 1,300 acres of fruit annually. When you buy NH grown apples, peaches, plums, pears, apricots and cherries, you’re getting the freshest fruit available while supporting NH farms.

Cherries are challenging to grow but are worth the effort! The delicate fruit is sensitive to the weather and makes a treat for the birds. A dozen different varieties of sweet and sour cherries are grown in NH with a short harvest window of only 1-3 weeks in late June.

Apricots are temperature sensitive and so are best suited to orchards in extreme southern NH. Apricots bloom in very early spring, and they are ready for harvest during a very short window at the end of June or beginning of July. Apricots are very delicate so they must be picked by hand and when still firm.

NH plums have a tart sweet-sour taste and smooth, edible skin. They’re at their best in August when they’re fresh, ripe, and juicy. They can be enjoyed a number of ways, including fresh, dried, or as a puree.

In a good summer in August and September, New Hampshire has over 130 acres of peaches ripening. Peaches are a delicate fruit, and New Hampshire is on the border of how far north they can grow. Fortunately our soil is well-suited for them, and the hardier varieties grow well here.

NH pear trees blossom a few days before apple trees and produce a delicate fruit ready in September. Pears are unique in that they ripen best off the tree. In addition to being served raw in almost anything, pears are delicious when baked, poached, sautéed, roasted, or grilled.

Over 50 varieties of apples are grown in New Hampshire apples, including heirloom varieties. Although apple season runs from August through October, every variety is not available the whole time. McIntosh remains a favorite variety along with Cortland, Empire, Macoun, Gala, Mutsu, Honeycrisp.
Looking for information on berries? Many of our member farms also offer berries and other fresh farm products. Search the list here.